In the heart of the Hervey Bay community, Trish Hummerston’s dedication to volunteering stands as a testament to the profound impact one person can have. For seven years, Trish has poured her heart and soul into two organisations, Kids Comfort Zone and J&T Supporting Homeless, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of countless individuals.

Trish’s journey with Kids Comfort Zone began at a hospital where she had been volunteering for seven to eight years. Struck by a moment of empathy, she decided to take matters into her own hands after witnessing a child in need of comfort. With her son’s financial support, she started providing every child with a comforting package, including a colouring book, soft toy, and bag. Trish’s initiative has touched the lives of approximately 13,500 children, creating a comforting haven during challenging times. Her impact extends beyond the tangible bags, as Trish recounts the joy of parents reaching out with gratitude. “It is lovely when parents send me a photo of their child to thank me for what I do for them.” Through these gestures, Trish finds fulfillment in knowing that she has made a positive difference in the lives of children and their families.

Adding to her repertoire of compassion, Trish and Josie dedicated four years to J&T Supporting Homeless, sparked by a moment near a community centre. Witnessing the desperation of someone seeking money for a cup of coffee, Trish identified the need for support. In her four years with the organisation, she estimates helping over 100 people each week, with heartening success stories of couples securing jobs and assistance provided to families with children.

Reflecting on her volunteer journey, Trish succinctly describes it as “mindblowing.” Her dedication, fuelled by a genuine desire to make a difference, has shaped not only the lives of those she assists but also her own perspective on the world.

When asked about advice for potential volunteers, Trish offers a resounding endorsement: “Absolutely do it. It’s one of the most wonderful things I’ve ever done.” Her journey serves as an inspiration for others to step into the realm of volunteering, where small actions can lead to profound impacts in the Hervey Bay community.