For Lorelle Steley, volunteering at the Hervey Bay Citizens Centre has been a source of fulfillment and camaraderie for over seven years. Initially drawn to the organization by the opportunity to connect with fellow volunteers and members, Lorelle soon discovered that her skills in bookkeeping could be put to good use.

Throughout her volunteer journey, Lorelle has been struck by the strong sense of camaraderie among volunteers and the genuine care demonstrated by everyone involved. These experiences have not only enriched her life but also provided her with a renewed sense of purpose and perspective.

One particular aspect of volunteering that has left a lasting impression on Lorelle is the diverse range of people she has encountered, each with their own unique stories and experiences. Reflecting on her own journey, Lorelle encourages others to explore different volunteering opportunities until they find the right fit for them.

Describing her volunteer journey as having “saved her sanity” and given her a reason to keep going, Lorelle’s story exemplifies the transformative power of giving back to the community and finding fulfillment in meaningful connections.