Toby Robinson Toby Robinson, a remarkable young volunteer, has dedicated the past 10 months to making a difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness through his involvement with Sleepbus. Toby’s journey of volunteerism began after a personal tragedy, and since then, he has been passionately contributing his time and energy to provide safe sleeps for those in need. The decision to volunteer with Sleepbus stemmed from Toby’s desire to make a positive impact in his community. Witnessing homelessness during a visit to Brisbane with his family prompted Toby to take action. Learning about Sleepbus and its mission, Toby reached out to volunteer and has since become an integral part of the team. In his 120 hours of volunteering, Toby has facilitated around 350 safe sleeps, creating a tangible and meaningful impact on the lives of those facing homelessness. Every time he cleans the Sleepbus, he is reminded of the difference they are making and feels a sense of fulfillment. Toby’s perspective has been shaped by his volunteer experiences. He acknowledges the sadness of homelessness but takes pride in being part of the solution. Volunteering with Sleepbus has opened his eyes to the diverse ways he can contribute to his community, fostering a sense of empathy and understanding. One memorable experience for Toby is being named the 2024 Young Volunteer of the Year, a recognition of his dedication and impact on the Sleepbus initiative. The camaraderie and acceptance he experiences from the Sleepbus team have left a lasting impression, reinforcing the idea that age should never be a barrier to making a difference. Toby’s advice to potential volunteers is straightforward: “Definitely do it!” He emphasises the positive impact volunteering has on both the community and individual well-being. Volunteering, Toby believes, helps individuals learn new skills, share existing ones, and ultimately feel good about themselves. Describing his volunteer journey in one word, Toby chooses “Rewarding.” This word encapsulates the joy and fulfillment he finds in helping his community become a better and safer place. Every interaction, every safe sleep facilitated, reinforces Toby’s belief that they are indeed making a meaningful difference.