Mark Franks Mark Franks embarked on his volunteer journey two years ago, drawn to the warm and friendly atmosphere of HBNC and the Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS). The opportunity for people contact and the camaraderie among staff and volunteers motivated him to give back to the community. During his time as a volunteer, Mark has experienced memorable moments that have shaped his perspective. Whether playing the role of the Grinch at Christmas or donning the Easter Bunny costume at HBNC events, he has found joy in bringing smiles to people’s faces. Volunteering has opened his eyes to the diverse needs of the community, deepening his understanding of the importance of service. One particular aspect of Mark’s volunteer experience that stands out is the profound impact of giving back. Witnessing the difference that volunteering can make, he encourages others not to hesitate in offering their time and skills to support their community. Mark advises potential volunteers to explore various opportunities and embrace the rewarding experience of giving back. Describing his volunteer journey as “uplifting,” Mark emphasises the intrinsic satisfaction that comes from contributing to the well-being of others. For him, volunteering is more than just lending a helping hand—it’s about fostering connections, spreading joy, and making a positive difference in the community.