In the realm of volunteering, Judy Jeftic stands out as a dedicated advocate, having dedicated three years and an impressive 1500 hours to helping hundreds of people navigate the intricate government system. Her story is one of compassion, resilience, and a profound impact on the lives of those she assists.

Judy’s journey into volunteering was prompted by unexpected circumstances. After retiring with the intention of traveling, her plans were thwarted. Undeterred, she decided to channel her knowledge and experience into assisting others facing challenges with government paperwork, recognising a significant gap in available resources for such support.

A memorable experience for Judy was helping a double amputee who had faced rejection three times in his quest for a disability pension. Through Judy’s guidance and advocacy, he successfully reapplied and received the entitlements he rightfully deserved. This victory not only highlighted the power of compassionate support but also showcased Judy’s determination to make a tangible impact.

Volunteering has not only been a service to others but has also profoundly impacted Judy personally. It has instilled in her a newfound confidence, empowering her to explore and pursue other endeavours. The sense of purpose derived from helping those in need has translated into personal growth and resilience.

One individual who left a lasting impression on Judy is a 40-year-old man battling Hodgkin’s disease. In just 24 hours, Judy managed to secure him a disability pension, providing crucial financial support during a challenging time. Her encouragement also led him to participate in a medical trial, resulting in two years of being cancer-free. This remarkable success story underscores the transformative power of Judy’s advocacy.

For those considering volunteering, Judy’s advice is simple yet powerful: “Go for it. It will enrich your life.” Her journey exemplifies the profound impact volunteering can have not only on the lives of those being assisted but also on the volunteer themselves. The fulfillment derived from making a positive difference is a reward that transcends any personal sacrifice.

In describing her motivation for volunteering, Judy eloquently states, “I volunteer because I am passionate about helping others.” This passion shines through in her dedication, advocacy, and unwavering commitment to bridging gaps and making a difference in the lives of those navigating the complexities of the government system.