John Parsons, a dedicated volunteer with Fraser Coast Micro Bats Inc., has devoted an impressive 20 years to environmental stewardship, contributing thousands of hours and positively impacting hundreds of thousands of animals and people in the Hervey Bay and Fraser Coast regions.

The decision to become a volunteer for John was rooted in a deep passion for sustainability, agriculture, and the environment. Having spent his professional life working in environmental organisations, John felt a strong desire to give back to the environment that had provided so much throughout his career. Upon retiring, he embarked on a journey to educate schools and councils about a breeding program for micro bats, aligning with his commitment to environmental conservation.

One person who has left a lasting impression on John is Mary Starkey. Her influence and dedication to supporting both mega bats and micro bats in Hervey Bay and the Fraser Coast inspired John to further his involvement in the cause.

Summing up his volunteer journey in one word, John chooses “Fantastic.”

This word encapsulates the joy, fulfillment, and positive impact he has experienced over two decades of dedicated service to environmental education and micro bat conservation.

John Parsons’ story serves as a testament to the transformative power of individual commitment to environmental causes. His sustained efforts in educating and advocating for micro bats showcase the positive change that can be achieved through long-term volunteer dedication and passion for the environment.