Jim Daniel, a dedicated volunteer with the Hervey Bay Ukulele Music Pickers and Strummers (HUMPS), has generously contributed his time and musical talents for an impressive 10 years. Over the course of a decade, Jim has devoted hundreds of hours to bring joy and music to hundreds of people in the Hervey Bay community.

For Jim, the decision to volunteer was driven by a passion for sharing music with like-minded individuals. Joining HUMPS allowed him to connect with others who shared a love for the ukulele and a desire to spread the joy of music throughout the community.

One memorable experience that stands out for Jim is the impact their music had on a man with dementia. Despite struggling to remember his own name, the man could remember every song played by HUMPS during a concert. This heartwarming moment highlighted the profound and lasting effect that music can have, even in the face of memory challenges.

Reflecting on individuals who left a lasting impression, Jim mentions Karla Steen, who facilitated their volunteering efforts. Karla’s support enabled HUMPS to run workshops, teaching ukulele at the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre and sharing the joy of music with others.

Summing up his volunteer journey in one word, Jim chooses “Enjoyment.” For him, the decade of volunteering has been about sharing music with others and creating a sense of joy and camaraderie within the community.

Jim Daniel’s story exemplifies the transformative power of music and the positive impact that volunteers can have on the lives of individuals, especially those facing challenges like dementia. His commitment to spreading joy through the ukulele showcases the unique ways in which volunteers contribute to the well-being of their communities.