In the dynamic tapestry of volunteerism in Hervey Bay, Jasine Leslie emerges as a steadfast contributor, offering her time and compassion to two impactful organisations for a combined total of 11 years. Her commitment to Riding for the Disabled (RDA) Hervey Bay spans six years, totalling around 1000 hours, while her dedication to Fraser Coast Hospice (FCH) extends over five years, amassing approximately 1200 hours. Jasine’s impact is not just measured in time but in the countless lives she has touched.

Jasine’s journey with RDA Hervey Bay began in 2017, driven by her love for horses and a yearning to give back to the community. “RDA warmed my heart as I could not only be with horses but also assist riders with disabilities and watch them grow and have absolute joy on their faces as they interact and ride our beautiful horses,” she shares. Her involvement has evolved beyond a volunteer role to a cherished connection with the riders and fellow volunteers, creating a familial bond that brings immense joy.

In founding Fraser Coast Hospice, Jasine addressed a critical need for palliative and end-of-life care in the community. Her five years of service, encompassing roles as the Secretary of the Board, garden developer, and fundraiser, showcase her unwavering dedication to enhancing the quality of life for those in their final days.

Memorable moments are abundant in Jasine’s volunteer journey. At RDA, witnessing riders achieve milestones and the bond between riders and horses creates an indelible impact. Opening day at the Hospice stands out as a culmination of three years of hard work, unveiling a sanctuary that will provide comfort and care to many in the years to come.

For Jasine, volunteering has shaped her perspective on the world. “Without the valuable work of volunteers, our world would not be the special place it is,” she reflects. The reciprocal nature of volunteering, where giving and receiving joy coexist, is a gift that money cannot buy.

One particular volunteer’s journey left a lasting impression on Jasine. Witnessing the therapeutic benefits of volunteering at RDA for an individual struggling with PTSD and mental health underscored the transformative power of giving back.

Jasine’s advice for potential volunteers is succinct: “Find your tribe and your vibe.” Aligning passion with purpose and connecting with like-minded individuals create a satisfying and rewarding volunteering experience.

Describing her volunteer journey in one phrase, Jasine chooses “Compassionate Community.” Her commitment to building a compassionate community reflects the profound impact volunteers like her have on enriching and growing the collective well-being of Hervey Bay.