Artslink Fraser Coast In the heart of Fraser Coast, a group of dedicated volunteers at Artslink Fraser Coast has been quietly making a difference in the lives of countless individuals for the past three years. With their nimble fingers and compassionate hearts, these volunteers have poured thousands of hours into creating handmade treasures that bring comfort and joy to those in need. The decision to volunteer wasn’t solely driven by altruism, but also by a desire for connection and camaraderie. For the members of Artslink Fraser Coast, volunteering is not just about giving back; it’s about forming friendships and fostering a sense of community. The bonds forged within the group are as precious as the gifts they create for others. Through their dedication and selflessness, the volunteers have become a giving group unto themselves, inspiring others with their acts of kindness. From knitting and crocheting blankets and shawls for cancer and dementia wards at Hervey Bay Hospital to crafting whimsical worms for schools and hospitals, each project is a labour of love that radiates warmth and compassion. One of their most impactful initiatives is the Read Bears Program, which has brought smiles to the faces of children in 14 local schools through the creation of 650 handmade bears. These adorable companions are taken home and read to each night, to ignite a love of reading in young people. In addition to the Read Bears Program, the volunteers also crochet jar openers and face washers for nursing homes, further enriching the lives of those in care facilities. Their commitment to spreading warmth and compassion knows no bounds, and their efforts have touched the hearts of many. Volunteering with Artslink Fraser Coast isn’t just a solitary activity; it’s a social and friendly endeavour that brings people together for a common cause. Through their volunteer work, the members have created a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can contribute their talents and make a difference. Their dedication to crafting comfort and connections exemplifies the true spirit of volunteerism. It’s a reminder that even the simplest acts of kindness can have a profound impact on individuals and communities alike. With each stitch, the volunteers at Artslink Fraser Coast are weaving a tapestry of compassion that brightens the lives of those they touch.