Annette Kitchener, a dedicated volunteer with an impressive range of commitments spanning schools, Artslink, op shops, and more, epitomises the spirit of service and community engagement. Her decision to volunteer stems from a genuine desire to contribute to her community and support others, particularly children, in achieving their goals and aspirations.

One of Annette’s most rewarding experiences as a volunteer is witnessing the joy and excitement on children’s faces when they receive a Read Bear. These simple yet meaningful gifts have the power to ignite a love for reading in young minds, as evidenced by the countless parents who attest to their children’s newfound enthusiasm for books.

Annette’s dedication and selflessness have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by her well-deserved recognition as the recipient of the Red Rose Certificate Volunteer of the Year 2023. This prestigious award serves as a testament to Annette’s unwavering commitment and invaluable contributions to her community.

Reflecting on her volunteer experiences, Annette describes them as both rewarding and surprising. The joy of giving back and making a difference in the lives of others brings her a sense of fulfillment that is unmatched, while the unexpected moments of connection and impact serve as reminders of the profound significance of volunteerism.

Through her dedication to serving others, Annette Kitchener embodies the true spirit of volunteerism—a commitment to making a positive impact, one act of kindness at a time. Her passion for helping others and her unwavering dedication to community service serve as an inspiration to us all.