Our Community Navigators program provides support to build a stronger and more resilient community by helping people navigate services and activities, with the goal of finding employment.

Who we can help

All community members requiring information and support to access services.

How we can help

Community Navigators can provide support with:

  • Assistance with forms and linking with services
  • Transport to linked services
  • Information and referrals
  • Advocacy for Services and Programs
  • Training / Education enrollments or assistance
  • Assistance with resume and interview skills
  • Learn skills: budgeting, cooking, life skills, tenancy, job skills, reading and writing

Training and support

Tenancy skills

Covering topics from communication, maintenance, budgeting and learn about your rights and responsibilities.

Life skills

Learn life skills, including budgeting and healthy cooking.

Job skills

Prepare for employment by learning about the interview process, presentation and how to build a resume.

Get in touch