Due to the rapidly evolving news around COVID-19, the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre (HBNC) wants to assure you that our priority is the well-being and safety of our clients, staff, volunteers and the community. We are actively monitoring the situation with COVID-19 and have taken actions to provide a safe and healthy environment whilst continuing to provide our vital services to the community.

We continue to take advice and recommendations from the Queensland and Australian Government and have taken precautionary measures to reduce the spread of the virus. Please read the following information which contains an update on our services, contacts and important resources.


Our Activities and Events

We have made the decision to cancel the following events (without postponement):

  • Family Fun Day
  • Youth Arts Competition

Until further notice we have suspended the following events/activities (will be postponed to later in the year)

  • Romanian Culture Caf – (2nd April)
  • Interagency Meeting (18th March)
  • Financial Protection Workshop (18th March)
  • Comfort Kitchen (25th March – 8th April)
  • GetOnline Qld – digital mentoring (20th March - 10th April)
  • Homework Club (postponed until end of term 1)
  • Volunteer Movie Night (May)


Our Practices

We are ensuring our employees maintain high hygiene standards at all times and have implemented the following:

  • Practicing proper hand sanitizing procedures and hygiene practices
  • Limiting face to face activities and home visits
  • Increasing support over the phone
  • Ceased all employee travel and training attendances
  • Cancelled or minimised employee meetings
  • Asked staff to avoid contact with anyone who has symptoms such as a cough, fever, fatigue, sore throat, and shortness of breath.
  • All staff returning from overseas are to self-isolate for 14 days and contact their GP.
  • Promoted work-from-home arrangements wherever possible, and especially for those who are unwell, believe they may have been exposed or are in a high-risk or vulnerable group as defined by government guidance.


  • Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre - 4194 3000
  • Medical Assistance - 13 HEALTH
  • NDIS Hotline - 1800 020 080
  • Lifeline - 13 11 14


If you are experiencing any symptoms as per documented please contact your GP and isolate yourself immediately and notify your Manager or Coordinator.

Our Next Steps

Our management team is now focused on ensuring our critical and vital services continue and that safe measures are in place for our vulnerable clients.

At this stage the Hervey Bay Community Centre will remain open and the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre will continue to manage the Centre along with all of our programs. Our employees will reduce any unnecessary community contact by avoiding high traffic public areas but will continue to provide a service where possible.

There are a number of documents which are now available to all staff and volunteers to ensure the safety of staff, volunteers and clients. Please speak with your Manager or Coordinator to access these.

  • HBNC 12.12 Epidemic/Pandemic Policy
  • HBNC Epidemic/Pandemic Procedure
  • HBNC Business Continuity- COVID-19 Preparation Checklist
  • HBNC Program Risk Assessment & Alternative Delivery List
  • WHO- Information & Advice on Basic Protective Measures

If you are unsure of how we can support you please continue to speak to your worker or phone reception on 07 4194 3000.

As changes occur we will be notifying everyone through our communication channels: Facebook, Website and Email.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or concerns regarding our clients or services.


Kind regards,


Tanya, CEO

Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre

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