Since the 1970’s community centres of one form or another have evolved across Australia. These centres are the hub of the local community, providing both a meeting space and a focal point. Demonstrated need within the community has resulted in some of these centres becoming funded under different government programs. Hervey Bay’s Neighbourhood Centre developed as a result of community need and commitment.

In June 1985 a group of Hervey Bay Volunteers formed the Womens Information Service and in 1986 this group of volunteers decided to broaden their interests to include a Neighbourhood Activity group which would run regular activities to answer a need in the community. These activities were held in a local hall which- while not particularly suitable or inspiring- was available and affordable.

From this small beginning grew an awareness of a need for:

  • Better Facilities
  • More Frequent Activities
  • A wider Range of Activities Greater Accessiblity to Welfare Organisations

These volunteers became increasingly aware of the needs of the community and approached the Community Development Officer for assistance in submitting a funding application for a neighbourhood community centre.