What do you want to learn in 2023? It’s time to starting planning for 2023 and we want you to help us plan the workshops and courses offered through our Local Learning Network. The beginning of each new year is an opportunity to reset, look at your life and think about what you would like to achieve in the next 12 months. So, what are some goals you have for 2023, and what would you like to learn? Maybe you would like to write a book, learn to fly a drone, make new friends, improve your photography, take art classes or learn to cook. In 2023, HBNC's Local Learning Network wants to help you reach your goals! We are currently planning workshops and courses for next year, and would love to know what you want to be part of. In 2022, we ran driftwood, art classes, microbat workshops, ukulele classes, crochet classes, painting your way, genealogy workshop, map reading and navigation, Tai Chi, make up demos, sustainability showcase, future of cars, mosaics, business starter workshop, podcasting, microgreens workshop and more. So the sky is the limit! Let us know what you are interested in by emailing [email protected].