We’ve all heard the old cliché about sharing a cup of sugar with your neighbour. But here’s the thing – clichés exist for a reason!

The simple act of sharing what you have with someone who needs it is what being a neighbour is all about. We all know, after a tough few years, we could use some more connection and neighbourliness, so HBNC has decided to make 2023 the Year of Sharing With Your Community.

We are excited to introduce this year’s themed calendar, with ideas and suggestions for ways you can get involved through simple acts of sharing. Take a look at the calendar for inspiration to get your workplace, community group or family thinking about how you can share and show generosity in the community.

HBNC CEO, Tanya Stevenson, encouraged the community to set some sharing goals by asking “what will be my cup of sugar this year?”

“Everyone benefits from community connection and sharing, and that can look different for us all,” Tanya said.

“It may be clearing out your wardrobe and participating in a clothes swap, sharing an idea at our Community Ideas Pitch Night or donating pre-loved books to one of the Street Libraries set up throughout our town.

“Whatever your ‘cup of sugar’ may be, have a think about how you can help strengthen the community by sharing what you have.”

How you can get involved

The first step is to download a copy of our 2023 Sharing Calendar. Put it on display in your workplace, clubhouse or at home and get those around you thinking about ways you can share with the community this year.

Then, in the spirit of sharing, take a photo and share a story about what you’re doing on social media, using the hashtags #cupofsugar and #sharewithHBNC.