You are invited to have your say on tenancy issues facing our region and help shape resources for renters.

A new survey, launched by HBNC and supported by QSTARS, aims to gather broad community input and feedback on the challenges Fraser Coast renters face.

The survey, which takes no more than five minutes to complete, includes questions about rental stresses and challenges, as well as lessor/agent issues and awareness of support services.

Take the survey today

Narelle Duroux, Tenancy Advice Coordinator at HBNC, said it was vital to understand the issues facing tenants, and to hear directly from renters.

She said the survey responses would be used to shape resources and education aimed at helping renters know their rights.

“We want to make sure the information and resources we provide are as helpful, relevant and impactful as possible,” Narelle said.

“Hearing directly from renters about the challenges they face will help us achieve this.”

Create your own user feedback survey