One local business is proving that sharing with the community doesn't have to be complicated or extravagant.

The team at Sea Breeze Cafe have taken up the sharing challenge, committing to baking and donating a cake for a different community organisation each fortnight.

Owners Shami Sivan and Sneha Patil surprised the volunteers at WeCare2 today with a freshly-baked carrot cake.

Shami explained it was their simple way of sharing with and supporting those in the community who do so much to help.

He said they had been looking for a way to give back to community organisations and HBNC's Sharing With Your Community calendar had provided inspiration.

Charlie from WeCare2 with Sea Breeze Cafe owners Sneha Patil and Shami Sivan.

What is the Sharing With Your Community calendar?

Each year, HBNC identifies a key theme to connect with the community. HBNC last year had a successful 2022: Try Something New theme, with over 2000 people attending the 182 Local Learning Network workshops at the Urangan Community Wellness Centre and The Neighbourhood Hive.

This year, HBNC has chosen the theme Sharing With Your Community.

Tanya Stevenson, CEO of HBNC said sharing was a way of supporting those in need, and could take many forms.

“Many of our community members are struggling with the increase in living expenses and we would like to encourage our community to think about ways of sharing with each other," Tanya said.

“Sharing with your community can be a great way to show your support and appreciation for the people around you. It doesn’t always have to be financial. You could volunteer your time or skills to a local organisation or project, or donate goods to a cause you believe in. You could also host a neighbourhood BBQ or do something as simple as sharing a cake. Whatever you choose to do, remember that it’s the small gestures that can make the biggest difference in your community."

Tanya said Shami and Sneha's idea was a great example of how simple sharing can be.

Sneha and Shami have been in the community less than six months and have already made an impact on being an inclusive employer by supporting young people with a disability in addition to purchasing locally.

This has included purchasing custom-made table caddies, built by a local 11-year-old boy, Riley (see photos below).

If you know someone who you would like to recognise as being generous in our community, please drop into Sea Breeze and have a chat to Shami and his team, or leave a comment on their Facebook page.

How you can get involved

The first step is to download a copy of our 2023 Sharing Calendar. Put it on display in your workplace, clubhouse or at home and get those around you thinking about ways you can share with the community this year.

Then, in the spirit of sharing, take a photo and share a story about what you’re doing on social media, using the hashtags #cupofsugar and #sharewithHBNC.