The initial 100 days may be over, but HBNC’s Illuminate initiative continues to spark innovative ideas and learnings throughout the community.

A new report reveals Illuminate: 100 Days of Innovation and Creativity, had an overwhelmingly positive impact, helping to build a culture of innovation on the Fraser Coast.

A total of 1368 attendees took part in 126 workshops, events and interactive learning experience throughout the months of May, June and July, 2023.

Data gathered from workshop attendees and facilitators showed the Illuminate initiative helped build skills and confidence, while supporting local business to network and grow.

Key findings from the surveys include:

  • 85% of participants increased their skills and knowledge
  • 85% of attendees reported increased self-confidence
  • 80% of presenters said Illuminate helped improve their business networks
  • 100% of presenters would facilitate at future Illuminate events.

These results show an outstanding level of engagement in the Illuminate initiative.

Read the full report

HBNC CEO, Tanya Stevenson, said the results showed there was a real appetite for innovation and creativity in our community.

“A little spark is all it takes to start something big. That is the idea at the heart of Illuminate: 100 Days of Innovation and Creativity,” Tanya said.

“This first-of-its-kind project for the Fraser Coast was born out of conversations between passionate changemakers in our region, who all wanted to see a focused effort to foster a culture of innovation on the Fraser Coast.

“Our key partners – 360 Degrees Marketing, Fraser Coast Regional Council and USC Fraser Coast – recognised the potential of this initiative to help build a culture of innovation in our region.”

Enterprise and Development Manager, Cate Akaveka, said the resounding success of this project meant there would be more to come.

“Illuminate has proven to provide economic outcomes, covering job-readiness through to business growth. HBNC would like to expand this program to be delivered again from January to March 2024, to continue the momentum of bringing innovation and creativity to our region,” Cate said.

“Through the community feedback we have received, we will target new workshops and businesses to deliver a school holiday program and work with local schools to support students to deliver during this time.”

Operations Manager, Christian Berechree, said the success of larger events held during the 100 Days, including the Storytelling Symposium, would be repeated.

“We will reach out to state-wide organisations to deliver workshops and also have a focus on some larger one-off events to support the creative community. This will include musicians, artists and photographers,” Christian said.

“It is important to create a connected community to support the development of our young people to progress into emerging industries through the provision of access to technology and mentors.”

To express your interest in getting involved with future Illuminate initiatives, head to