The Wandering Teapot social enterprise at the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre today (Tuesday October 11th) has successfully graduated another nine participants through Skilling Queenslanders for Work.

So far this year, the program has supported 21 community members to complete a Certificate II in Hospitality, and to gain employment in local cafés and restaurants. 

Lesa Stagg, Project Officer at HBNC says the training helped build skills and confidence needed for employment.

“Most of the participants come to the program thinking that they don’t have a lot of skills but what they are really lacking is confidence to showcase their skills,” Lesa said.

“A few weeks into the program and the participants are flourishing, they are networking and feeling confident within themselves and they have gained the skills they need to reverse market themselves.”

Tanya Stevenson, CEO of HBNC says partnerships are key to the programs success.

“The Skilling Queenslanders for Work program, funded by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, is so successful at HBNC because of the partnerships and wrap-around services we are able to provide the participants,” Tanya said.

“This was evident at our graduation ceremony, with so many of our local businesses and services in attendance to show their support for the participants as they start their careers.”

“It really does take a village, and our young people do better when they are surrounded by people supporting them to succeed at finding their purpose and developing their careers.”

Thanks goes out to: 

  • Axiom College – Sophie, Seana and staff for delivery of Certificate II in Hospitality
  • Farzina and Gavin – HBNC Culture Caf and supervision for multicultural cooking
  • Our volunteer drivers of HBNC – Katherine and Scott who completed pick up and drop offs for the participants
  • Clint, Chris, Mary Ann and Toni – supervising in the HBNC café and kitchen
  • Tanya & Cate – Management and delivery of program
  • Anthony and the LIFT Team – employment service support
  • Tara and Hayley – HBNC Community Navigators delivering resume skills
  • Thread Together – providing work wear
  • Janene from Hervey Bay RSL - Placements at the RSL and Club House
  • HB Boat Club and The Beach House – Industry Site Visits
  • Georgina - Galangoor D’Walami for participant support
  • Tari, Sam, Kari and Shawn – Headspace, who completed interview tips and mock interviews
  • Emma Amor – Link and Launch Program from USHS
  • Redcross Team – Service information
  • Family and friends for continued support of participants

The next intake at HBNC starts on the 30th of January with an information session on the 24th of January. Keep an eye on our events page or phone Lesa Stagg on 4194 3000 to find out more.

Media contact

For more information, quotes and photo requests, contact Operations Manager Christian Berechree on [email protected] or 0484 383 055.