Regularly, we will feature a member of the HBNC team, giving you a chance to Meet the Neighbours. The goal is to highlight and celebrate the people at the heart of our organisation, who work tirelessly to make the Wide Bay Burnett community a stronger and more resilient one.

This week, we'd like you to meet Kirsti Kee, HBNC Management Committee Member.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a retired lady who has lived in Hervey Bay for 17 years.  I love walking, cycling and travelling and am very happy that we are now able to spread our wings again.  I have 4 sons and two grandsons living in Brisbane and a grandson and granddaughter living in London. I really enjoy the times I get to spend with them.  I have volunteered for a number of organisations over the years and believe that through this I have been able to meet many interesting people and expand my knowledge and understanding of our community.

What is a quick summary of your professional background?

I trained as a primary school teacher and worked as a classroom teacher for about 10 years. I owned and ran a small retail delicatessen and catering business and from there, I moved to the TAFE sector and into management positions. 

What drew you to work with the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre?

While working with the education department towards the end of my career, I worked collaboratively with the Neighbourhood Centre on a number of projects.  When I retired, I felt it would be a good organisation to continue working with in a volunteer role.

How do you see your role making a difference in the lives of the community’s most vulnerable?

The Neighbourhood Centre touches the lives of many of the most vulnerable in our community and through my part on the Management Committee, I help steer the organisation so that it is able to support these people.  We are all vulnerable at some time in our lives and I play a role in ensuring services are there to assist those who reach out. 

What’s one thing you hope to see happen or change for our community?

I believe that our young people are a wonderful asset and I hope opportunities for them to learn about and give back to their community increase.  I hope that as our community grows, our young people are able to step into leadership roles and guide us as we progress into the future.