A unique and interactive art piece, created by young people at The Neighbourhood Hive and bearing a message of positivity and resilience, has been unveiled.

Recycle Your Dreams now takes pride of place in Gatakers Art Space as part of the current Waste To Art Exhibit.

The artwork, which takes the form of a "wishing wall" encourages community members to participate in the creation of 1000 wishes for the Fraser Coast.

It promotes the dreams of our local young people while showcasing the importance of sustainability, Tanya said.

Recycle Your Dreams was created by a number of young people participating in programs delivered at the Neighbourhood Hive including making the recycled paper," Tanya said.

"The Wishing Wall is an inspiring collection of the hopes and dreams from our local youth and showcases the imaginative talents of our young people who appropriately tagged the art piece with the slogan, 'Every time your dreams turn to trash, you need to recycle them and try again'.”

Through this exhibit, The Neighbourhood Hive youth encourage the community to reflect on their hopes and dreams for the future and consider adding their wishes to the wishing wall.

By breathing new life into the waste items, these young artists hope to inspire a collective commitment to sustainability and responsible waste management.

Hosted by the Fraser Coast Regional Council, the Waste To Art Exhibit is now open at Gatakers Art Space.