About us News Green-thumbs get hands dirty for a good community cause In the warmth of Hervey Bay sunshine, surrounded by the serene Botanic Gardens, new friendships are being forged amongst a dedicated group of green-thumbed volunteers. The Urangan Community Wellness Centre Gardening Group spends a few hours each Wednesday, helping to keep the centre’s surrounds weed-free and blooming beautiful. Not just an opportunity to get their hands in the soil for a good community cause, the group is proving to be an invaluable source of friendship and social connection for its members. Mark Franks, Malita O’Keeffe, Karen Kruger and Cath Hanley are all dedicated members of this group, having registered as HBNC volunteers in search of ways to give back to the community. They all agreed it was a unique opportunity to serve the community while enjoying fresh air and all the joys of nature. “Being outside is the best thing for your health,” Cath said. “I really hope more people join us!” Mark said the gardening group was open to anyone willing and able to lend a hand. “It’s a nice, peaceful environment. Everyone should do it,” Mark said. Karen and Malita both said the supportive group atmosphere was the highlight. “It’s just a friendly, happy group,” Karen said. ‘It’s a wonderful group, in a lovely environment,” Malita added. HBNC is always open to welcoming new volunteers to the team, and we want to work with you to find an opportunity you’re passionate about. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer, email [email protected], call 4194 3000 or come visit us at any of our community centres: Hervey Bay Community Centre, 22 Charles St Pialba Urangan Community Wellness Centre, Elizabeth St Urangan The Neighbourhood Hive, 80 Main St Pialba