The Bless Box at the Hervey Bay Community Centre provides essential support to those in need in our community. As housing, rental and cost-of-living challenges continue, the demand for food and necessities is even greater. Your donations can make a huge difference in the lives of those who are struggling.

Why your support is important

The Bless Box is an essential resource for people who are homeless or facing financial hardship. It provides food, clothing, and personal hygiene products to those who need them the most. By supporting the Bless Box, you can help make a positive impact on the lives of people in our community who are struggling.

Christian Berechree, HBNC's Operations Manager, emphasised the importance of community support in ensuring the success of the Bless Box.

"The Bless Box is a lifeline for those who are struggling," he said.

"Without the generosity of the community, we wouldn't be able to provide the essential items that so many people rely on. We are grateful for any and all donations, no matter how big or small."

What can be donated

The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre welcomes donations of non-perishable food items, toiletries, and small clothing items. Some examples of non-perishable food items that are always in high demand include:

  • Canned vegetables and fruits
  • Canned meats and fish
  • Long-life milk and juice
  • Canned soup, baked beans etc

Donations of toiletries such as toothpaste, soap, and deodorant are also greatly appreciated. Small clothing item, such as socks, hats and gloves are especially needed during the colder months.

Members of Hervey Bay's Baha'i community, pictured with HBNC CEO Tanya Stevenson, donated bags of non-perishable goods to the Bless Box.

Thank you to recent donors

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to recent donors who have supported the Bless Box. Woolworths at Eli Waters, Coles at Pialba and the local Baha'i community have all generously donated non-perishable food items and toiletries. Their support has made a tremendous difference in the lives of those who are struggling.

How to donate

Donating to the Bless Box is easy. You can drop off your donations directly into the box, located in the Kindness Garden at the Hervey Bay Community Centre, 24/7. If you have large donation, please call 4194 3000 or visit the reception desk to arrange drop-off.

Financial donations can also be made directly through the our website.