The Christmas spirit continued into the new year, with the team from Australia Post delivering some welcome support for one of HBNC's best-loved events.

Team members from Hervey Bay's Australia Post distribution centre dug deep for Comfort Kitchen, participating in a fundraiser raffle during the Christmas period.

Almost $1300 was raised through the raffle and donated to Comfort Kitchen.

The raffle was organised by delivery officer, Cherylee Nagy, who said the team looks for a way to give back to the community every year.

Cherylee said the team chose Comfort Kitchen as this year's raffle charity partner because they wanted to support people doing it tough - something they already do through regular donations to the Bless Box.

HBNC's Community Development Manager, Cate Akaveka, thanked the Australia Post team for the donation.

"Comfort Kitchen is entirely reliant on community support and donations, so this will make a real difference as we serve more than 80 meals a week to the community's most vulnerable," Cate said.

If you would like to support Comfort Kitchen, please consider making a donation via our online appeal.

You can also help provide the community's most vulnerable with food and toiletry items by dropping items in the Bless Box.

HBNC's Community Development Manager, Cate Akaveka, with Cherylee Nagy from Australia Post.